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Do you dread team meetings?

Take our quick quiz to find out if your team is high performing – or doomed to failure!

Do feel that your team meetings are a waste of time? Do you hate taking part in them?


Or do you find them not only essential, but very useful and even enjoyable?


Take this quick quiz to find out if your team is adding real value to your organization, or if you would all be better never getting together. Think of the way your regular weekly or monthly meetings are organized and held and then check one of the statements for each question. Don’t base your answers on how you think your meetings should be run, but on how they actually are run. Once you are finished, click on the button to find out whether you have a high or low performing team.


Leadership femme
Leadership homme










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Discover your leadership profile

The key to understanding your score as an effective team leader


Would you like to learn more about how to measure your organization’s culture and go about optimizing it in order for it to survive and thrive over the long term?

Contact us to set up your own organizational culture survey.

Colin Newhouse & Associates specializes in optimizing leadership at three key levels:

  • Individual leadership with coaching and training programs

  • Team leadership with team profiles and survival and business simulations​

  • Organizational leadership with company-wide surveys and executive-level presentations

Colin Newhouse & Associates is fully accredited in Human Synergistics® leadership diagnostic technologies®.

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